Public IoT Solution Provider

Small-scale trading of distributed energy resources

What is small-scale trading of distributed energy resources?

This is a business that offers electricity and renewable energy certificates (RECs) by collecting renewable energy, energy storage systems (ESS), electric vehicles, and other small power generating resources below 1 MW on the network system without causing physical damage.
Small-scale trading of distributed energy resources can be integrated with a virtual power plant; this business model will simultaneously process O&M of small-scale distributed energy resources and mediate power exchanges between the Korea Power Exchange (KPX) and small-scale distributed energy resources once there are legal and regulatory supports for virtual power plants.

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Korea 02-781-0616

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AMI-based energy management and
building energy-efficient devices

What is AMI-based energy management
and building energy-efficient devices?

By combining IT technology with electricity, we can reduce energy consumption and increase efficiency as a next-generation power network service. This service monitors energy consumption in real-time via installed equipment (smart meters, flow meters), and analyzes and calculates the most energy-efficient management strategy.

System Features

Small-scale trading of
distributed energy resources Configuration